Dizzy Health

Health update following last appointment

Posted in Facebook on January 14, 2009

Neurologist(Neuro) had not yet met with the cardiologist (Cardio), so is not starting me on any new treatment meds, save for something that should break the migraine when it hits, instead of taking excedrin since the Cardio wants me to minimize that.

Neurologist feels that they are close to sorting this out, that the tests the Cardio and he have ordered will nail this down once an for all. He has ordered an EEG and and a 24 hour monitoring EEG, since it will only really reveal anything if I have an episode Chooch and I are already figuring out what triggers to use to ensure I have one while being monitored. (Chooch said he would tell me he was leaving me. Funny guy, huh? I told him next time he makes that joke he better be wearing a cup. He didn’t think it was funny, but the receptionists sure did.)

Both the Neuro and Cardio feel that the abnormal tilt table test, which apparently approximately 70% of the population fails, is not the total problem, but that I definitely am dealing with neurocardiologic issues and believe they will be able to give me relief once the monitoring is done. They don’t want to give any possible solutions until after the monitoring concludes, since that will definitely skew the results and they want the fullest range of unfiltered information.

The Neuro also put me on ‘off work status’, which may escalate tension at work. They have been understanding so far, and if they believe what the Neuro is telling me then another month of testing should have us nailed down and ready for treatment. If they get nervous at the lack of an ‘until ____’ date, it could get interesting since I am still technically on probationary period. The doctor made it very clear that it’s not safe for me to drive, even if I’m feeling well since the symptoms come on without warning and usually hit pretty strong rather than easing in. The fun continues, but at least it appears that MS is no longer a concern. I call that a MAJOR win!

Other than all that, I am doing okay. I have plenty of stationary things to do to keep me occupied, and our puppy keeps me company during the day.