Too Long For Twitter Uncategorized Whining

Stray Thoughts

I’m wondering why it is so hard for some of us to take our own journey. Even when lucky enough to have a partner, I hesitate before stepping on the path of another for fear that my footprints will leave an unwanted mark. It’s happened in the past. And I know it’s my fault because they told me it was (Haha, yes. I’m working on that, too.).

Now, I excel at finding silver linings and rainbows. I do it at every turn now. It makes a difficult process or period of time a bit easier, sometimes. Sometimes, not so much. But when feeling adrift and buffeted on all sides by storms, where does one turn? Speaking for myself only,

I get lost in the rhythm of the waves. It’s mesmerizing, don’t you think? And by studying them, you can learn from them. Hopefully something that makes the storm worth bearing. Most storms come and go without us ever learning such a thing, like what caused it or how it can be prevented in the future.

But, eventually, I find myself looking up, so the sky analogy works really well for me. (Religious notation: I was raised Roman Catholic; gave up on the preachings of old white men long ago and am currently researching Buddhism. I look up because that is where I instinctively look when talking to my deceased Mom, who is the person I “pray” to.).


I have been assured that I have strong intuition. I have an overwhelming urge to believe this, as so many come to me for advice. Why, I have no idea. I’m as lost as sea as the next poor bastard.


Why does parenthood have to be SO hard?
It’s like that film in middle school about body changes and sex and stuff, before you can grasp any of it (if you’re lucky), because you’re at an age when it’s biologically possible to get pregnant.
It’s that terror-filled moment of: “I can’t wait to see him” alongside the fear that I will negatively imapact his journey. That I’ll say the wrong thing.
It’s like, in the words of a very wise man, grape on the outside and salty on the inside. (Yes, I’m working on it… ^-^)


I find it un-fucking-believable that nearly no one I see regularly, as life finds me now, ever met my Mom.
How is it possible that so much of my life is utterly separate from hers?!?!
That what was, when she left, is now gone.

*sends up a red balloon*
Frakkin’ holidays.

Too Long For Twitter

Robot Test: Katy Perry

Chooch and I accidentally found Comedy Central’s autism benefit, “Night of Too Many Stars,” airing a couple weeks ago and the only thing I can remember about it is Katy Perry’s performance with Jodi DiPiazza, a young beauty with autism. Ms. Perry seemingly forgets that there is a live audience and cameras present for about four solid minutes as the two sing Katy’s song, “Firework.” I was just reminded of it by hearing a slice of the original song and can’t believe I never mentioned it here.

Test Parameters:
If Katy Perry fails to go up in your opinion by at least 1 point after watching this video, then you’re a robot. Even if you don’t like her or her music, which I was not prior to seeing this performance.

Note: The video is 8 1/2 minutes long. For those busy, impatient or not really interested, I suggest an abbreviated robot test, which may be less accurate if you don’t know how music bridges the gap of autism with this young beauty, then you can start at around 3:15 when the bio ends and the song begins.

MORE IMPORTANTLY: If you can spare a couple bucks for the charity, please do. I think the video shows what is possible when opportunities and tools for communication can be given to those with Autism: heart-break, inspiration and bliss. (There is a clicky linky button in the bottom left hand corner of the screen while the video plays.)

Watch for the smile with adorable dimples when the girl hears the audience cheer her at the beginning of the song.
Now, I’m going off into the corner to sob for a little longer. Honestly, that girl has the voice of an angel that breaks my heart even as it makes it soar with inspiration. And hearing Katy’s voice break (a couple of times?) as she seemingly feels the meaning of every word of the song as she sings with, and to, Jodi as the young girl plays piano. And cynics, even if it is only a performance by that makes it appear that Katy is not a robot, with her full and believable commitment to that role, she deserves a frakkin’ Emmy. And that should also garner her going up at least one wee notch, don’tcha think?

Too Long For Twitter

Checking My Watch

It has been a long push to this election day. I think we can agree on that, across the aisles, right? Like many, I feel like I’m really running out of patience today and am fighting with myself to read updates from friends, family and followers. I won’t block or unfriend anyone for voicing their opinions that may or may not fall in line with mine, but I will continue light usage until at least after the weekend.

I am no politico but have my own, very strong opinions based on my lifetime of experience that, albeit, had minimal demand by my parents to follow their beliefs. We discussed issues, and while I usually knew their stance, I never felt any pressure to vote or believe exactly as they did. Another family I was close with, however, had extremely strong views and frequent debates. Over a decade or so of it, and I developed an extreme dislike for such discussions and typically retreat and wait patiently for the fun to resume. I respect their desire for the discussion and also respect myself by granting myself peace instead of digging into a potentially heated debate which will not change anyone’s mind (typically).

In addition to those experiences, there is all the research I’ve done over the years, along with all the other inputs that impact my beliefs. I feel no need to explain, debate, justify or change anyone to my political or religious beliefs. After all, one of the thing I love about our county is the non-conformity of its citizens. I find it extraordinary that people raised in very similar times and households as me can have completely opposite opinions and beliefs and I’m almost always open to learning.

Politics are different for everyone, and a highly charged issue for many, which is one of the reasons everyone (tell me if I’m wrong here) is taught that it, along with religion, are not to be brought up in polite/public conversations. Enter Facebook and Twitter, and I feel they have drastically changed the playing field for politics and interpersonal relationships.

I find this to be the first Presidential election where I believe the existence and ease of use and frequency of use have negatively impacted their user base. Family members, old friends and new friends all have a  pissed, and I’m just drained from all the negativity being slung around. The use of both social media sites has become as commonplace as Starbucks and Subway, especially in the podcasting crew I run with. There has been a huge increase in users of both, I unapologetically speculate, happening since the last election. Now there are  people in our workplaces and families and church and neighbors and all those ‘friends of friends’ you know are suddenly “Like”ing and ReTweeting their political beliefs where normally, it doesn’t come up. Particularly if you don’t know their politics.

I am finding a lot of Friends and Followeds have been very vocal about their support of Obama. Far more than Romney, from my general (almost) daily skimming. And everyone that posted about politics, candidates or the election issues is usually passionate on the subject. Am I surprised that Obama was elected? Not really, based on my recollection of the posts I read from easily over 300 people. While not scientific or even terribly useful beyond this post, there was foreshadowing in what I read. The wild card, the electoral college, is what makes election results pretty tough to speculate.

Luckily, most folks seem to be winding down their outrage at their candidate losing or at disappointment over the way “other Americans” are handling it. Now it’s just surviving post-election initial aftermath and we will hopefully move on as a country long before Inauguration Day, when our newly elected President takes office. Reportedly, even Wall Street puked in its mouth a little the morning after the election.

My point is this: I need this to be over. I am embarrassed to even have a Twitter account when election day news coverage reported that (paraphrased) “… it’s time to put the white back in The White House…” was a trending topic. Trending, FFS.

Here’s my proposal: I’ll give you the weekend to get it all out of your system, and get back to <insert appropriate sport>, cool links (Like this one! Yes, I’m slow on the draw but it’s so charming.), the cost of gasoline, your NaNoWriMo word count pride or angst? But, as Glob as my witness, if the vitriol continues, I’ll …

Oh, wait. That Freedom of Speech thing. Yeah, go ahead and speak America. Just remember that while you have the freedom to say (nearly) anything without fear of prosecution, there is no protection from your peers also voicing their opinions. In Facebook or otherwise. Maybe there’s still an option that blocks people from commenting,so maybe some folks should look into it when they post highly contentious items?

And, seriously, all you teens and twenty-somethings need to stop talking about how much weed you’ll smoke when you move to Colorado or Washington states. Have you still not figured out that your posts can be used against you? I’m seriously concerned about the number of Americans that think they have privacy protection on self-incriminating posts ANYWHERE on the web. I don’t care how tight your privacy settings are e in Facebook and Twitter, once it’s posted to one of those sites or any other, it’s searchable by employers, law enforcement, Exes, Futures and even your kids.

Finally, I need to give major props for the metric butt-ton of research done by my hubby, Chooch, in preparation of the election. I feel had a solid grasp on the issues up for election in my district. It’s easily the most consideration, discussion and research I’ve ever had before an election.

See? I understand the importance of this particular election, just not the demonstration of negativity, vitriol, passive aggressiveness and disrespect. I hope, as many others have expressed, that those elected will work together, regardless of party affiliation, to help heal the country.


Too Long For Twitter

Political Message

Other than watching the Daily Show (*gasp* Yes, I’m one of those). I ignore political discussions, watch no pundits and only accidentally watch the debates. As in, I randomly discover it’s on and watch from then on. I refuse to commit to memory anyone else’s political opinions other than my own and the candidates. And even then I prefer text to speech.  Many of our former presidents, not presiding during times of gluttonous portable device ownership, when it was only their printed words, and not their personality, voice, humanizing speech imperfections or knowledge if they ever used illegal drugs.

The reason? Politicians disgust me, almost to a one. I rely on research online (done for my by Chooch this year – long story) and limit hearing the politicians and their rehearsed answers, although I do like to watch at least one debate to get a sense of each of them on a personal level – how do they handle themselves with each other and the moderator? Do they take potshots at the other opponent instead of answering a direct question? That sort of thing. I feel the debates are good. They will either reinforce your decision or decide it. It’s a disgusting display of ego, but a necessary part of our available input – how will the candidate handle himself when dealing with other countries, under the scrutiny of those that elect you.

Whichever issues are most important to you should matter in the voting booth. Forget the archaic political system handed down to us by our parents, part of which required we label ourselves, Democrat, Republican, Independent (Response is typically a puppy dog head tilt.), Conservative, Liberal or Unicornian (Puppy dog head tilts measure far lower than for Independents).

In my opinion, issues must drive elections, hopefully more so than outdated and eternally shifting labels. Look at your life. Are you poor? Then general belief is that voting Republican could keep you poor. Martian? Then you should likely be down on the side of those in support of marriage equality. Admittedly, the debate now concerns same sex unions, but breaking down that barrier will mean that Martian/Earthling legally recognized unions are more likely.
(Note: Feel free to argue my fictional examples. Like my main point, most debate is moot. You are not likely to change my mind, and vice versa.)

So you’ve heard my rant, refusing to join in debates and back away slowly, and it’s likely not for the first time. This is already more than I like to say on the subject. And don’t worry, I’m already regretting it.

With all of this disgust, boredom, disdain and love for our challenging political system, color me surprised when I actually came across a political message I can not only get behind — it had me cheering and rewinding immediately.

Thanks to the insistence of our sons Naughty Bear and LT, Chooch and I have gotten heavily into Adventure Time, on Cartoon NetworkIt’s a favorite go-to show for us, and I get the jones for it daily. The simplicity and inherent truth in the relationship between twelve year old Finn and 4 year old Jake, his yellow dog rock my world.

This is where I found the one Political Rap to rule them all, performed by Jake (beatbox) and Finn (lyricist).

(Note: Apologies for not posting with video or audio, but I can’t find a sanctioned site and am sick of dealing with old broken links, let alone posting future ones. Trust me, it is far more awesome in Jake’s voice. Google it for the freshest video link.)

political rap.
Yo yo,
demon apathy,
yo zappity.
Get ready.
where you went?
Yo, farmer’s market.
Ride bikes.
Get on it.
Geodesic domes,
You heard?

Too Long For Twitter

Did Someone Say Hurricane Party?

So, Hurricane Sandy is dead set on screwing up the schedules and lives of what must be nearly person in the North East. High winds, blizzards and floods, with what is expected to be millions of us without power for a potentially long time.  Because none of our children live with us, I am not as prepared as I would be with them here.

Long ago, we stopped keeping our “Bunker” well stocked, as it’s just the two of us now. Since we’ve moved into the home we share with another family, which includes two young and energetic girls, we are still ready for most potential disasters. Note: If anyone has an app that protects your home from falling trees/flying objects, please link in the comments?

I have to mention, since it literally just occurred, that if the spontaneous explosion of pain in my noggin is anything to measure by, the changes in the barometric pressure have me already grateful that I’m stocked up with medication. If necessary, I can ride it out with Prince Vicodin and Sandman Soma.

I am now thrilled that we were too broke to spring for a New York City 9th and 10th anniversary celebration for Chooch and I for our November 1st, 9th and 10th anniversaries (9 years married, 10 years since our first official date).

Just having returned from the final grocery trip, I am happy to say that our local community is clearly trying to observe the warning to stay home, as the roads were way less crowded than expected, as was the store itself. Businesses were closing, and I watched stores empty into parking lots as people hurried along.

We are nestled in, I have made sure my sons are safe and there is little left to do, other than some cooking before we potentially lose power– Barbeque chicken in the crockpot (only 2 more hours!), plus sugar cookies for the girls we live with to decorate on Halloween again this year. All our devices are charged and we are splurging on electricity as much as we can.

In truth, I almost wish for a power outage.  It never happens here, the weather is mild and there is so much going on that I, uh, well… I kind of tingle at the idea of primitive living. Using devices sparingly means things get down to basics. Happily, we have flashlights and batteries, candles and many, many books and board games.

I suppose the scary part would be getting cut off from our Beloveds, and being sure they are all well. But not having electricity means that you let go and streamline. Your control over their, and your own, situation is all just worry in your own mind. Useless.



~~~Please be safe, stay where you are if possible and among everything else you are being warned about, take care with children and animals around downed power lines as well as lit candles or flames.

And, from George Takei’s Facebook post earlier today:
As things intensify, if you need to let others know you’re ok or to search for loved ones, here is one resource:

Too Long For Twitter

Modesty vs. Halloween

There have been a metric butt-ton of these types of Facebook posts:


I opted out of slutty again last year. I lost my mind over a hamster costume that completely covered me. It was not sexy in any way. While it was not my intention to wear something quite so burlap sack-y, I was beyond excited as it was reminiscent of Hamtaro (but not licensed as such).
Not slutty and full of happy memories of watching the cartoon with LT? Hellz yeah!

I was given pink bunny pj’s at Christmas, so this year I’ll be wearing glasses and rocking Ovaltine in my pimp stein. Unless we get washed away in

Happy Halloween and be safe with merry making with the bad weather and so on. Call a cab if you get even mildly sauced. Trust me, you don’t want to piss off this hamster.

Family Friends Hauntings Mental Too Long For Twitter

An Epiphany Triggered By Friends?!?!

I am loved.


By more than one person.

It doesn’t matter who doesn’t love me, so I will no longer waste time on that.

It only matters who does love me, on some level, regardless of whether marriage, friendship or bloodline is the reason for our connection.

I don’t even care if it sound like bragging. I’ve spent my entire life talking myself down and struggling to find anything positive to say about myself. So, if it is bragging, fuck it. I’ve earned it.

I am going to now cast a suspicious eye towards all my insecurities, self-loathing, shame and guilt and do an honest assessment. If I’m as awful as I think, why do such amazing and fascinating humans think I’m not? I trust their opinion on everything else- events, movies, books, foods — why not their opinion of me? Oh, right… a life time of conditioning (according to T-Pain, my therapist) leaving me with the core belief of, “I am not, and never will be, worthy.”

I have grown bored with carrying this belief around and constantly measuring myself with it. So I now choose to measure my inner beasties by the same logic I use when considering other people, rather than the much harsher scale I use for my own actions/inactions.

I’ll also be granting myself benefit of the doubt, as I do for everyone else. Hell, even those that have “wronged” me whether in person, verbally or on the ‘Net.  I pick up on things that people think I won’t, and I know more than people think. Still, I’ll be choosing my battles more carefully and only expend energy in areas that merit it.

Is it odd that it hasn’t even occurred to me before to give myself the benefit of the doubt? Regardless, I’m not wasting time on wondering why not, I’m just going to do it from now on. Now, it must become the standard. I know my motivations. They are to leave a positive imprint wherever I go. I may or may not be successful, as I am a puny human, but I must try to make things a little better for my fellow Earth-trapped neighbors.

I also choose to be more selective where I spend my time and to plan less. One of the simplest ways to gauge a relationship, after all, is if people make an effort to spend time with you. Not while they are in the midst of a crisis or busy time of their own, but besides that. Friendship is a two-way, sometime three-way (or more) street.

I am releasing myself from the burden of believing it is all on my shoulders to feed and water friendships on my own, except in extremely rare friendships (you know who you are), where I am not the only one that appears to be doing the heavy lifting. I am rich in True Friendship and will not criticize or judge those that don’t reside there. I choose to try and have fun every where I go. I want to laugh as hard and as often as possible and make deep connections with people. You do your thing, I’ll do my thing, and hey — let’s have fun when we’re together, regardless of possible past drama! Life is too short not to be snorting in laughter more than is considered Appropriate.

I choose to make no time for hate, manipulation or lies in my day. How others choose to spend their finite time on this Earth? Beyond my control, so letting it go.

I am humbly grateful for the things that led me to this today, for it is a good day to know. The path ahead appears to be mired in confusion, sadness and chaos.

Luckily, there are some people showing up to help us find our way in the dark, as we have tried to do for them in the past, so we will eventually be right as rain*.

Now, off I go to scale Mt. Laundry and clean LT’s now-empty room. (Sidebar: Boys are gross. But damned if I don’t love ’em!) Counting down to Wednesday evening, when I get to see him again for a few days before he returns to his distant home.

Today Shall Not Be Wasted. **


*Note: After typing that long used phrase, I immediately wondered what circumstance “right as rain” came from. Here’s what I found, for those interested.

**And if you are unfamiliar with the humble battle cry of heavenly hobos, I again recommend Mur Lafferty’s Afterlife Series. The quote is, I think, from book 3, called ‘Wasteland’. But you must start with the first one, I insist,  called ‘Heaven’. It has helped me embrace the Universe in a different way since the devastating loss of my mother six years ago. Plus, her phrase, “Turtle Tits” from one of the books, is in my top 5 curse word phrases.

Friends Too Long For Twitter

Overheard On New Year’s Eve

Edit: I have 24 draft posts. July is the month for catching up and clearing out the buffer, because I have New Thoughts. This is one of them, six months later than intended, but whatevs. It’s been a real mother fucker of a year so far, so I chose this one since it is HILARIOUS to me and anyone that may remember what they said.


After our New Year’s Eve celebrations began, I decided to play a game with the Twitter abbreviation “OH:” meaning that you are repeating something that you overheard.  It may also mean that I said it, but find it funnier to attribute to someone else. Who can tell with me? So, for those with little kids at home on the traditional gathering night, I thought it would be fun for folks to identify whether it was something that I actually overheard or something that I said.

From my Twitter stream on NYE: “Play along or not: I say “OH:”, you guess if I actually overheard it or if I said it myself. Note: If you are with me you cannot play.”

  • OH: “I have been bowtied by John.” (This had an insanely appropriate auto-correct “I have been nurtured by John.”)
  • OH: I am not responsible if you have a bowel movement.
  • OH: It is important that you stay inebriated at all times.
  • OH: I got so excited, I lost my sponge!
  • OH: I have the beaver on my desk!
  • OH: Your armpit was fantastic.
  • OH: It’s true! He sniffed my pimp cup to make sure!
  • OH: Yes, I need a man’s touch. Definitely.
  • Too many OH:’s to type. If anyone is interested I’ll blog them all.

I got a yes, so here are the “Overheard”‘s from my journal that night (wrote them as they were said):

  • I go for the center of the Yin and Yang.
  • If it has to come, it’s best from the butt.
  • I looked at the (microwave) clock to see what time it was, and it said “Ready”.
  • Paraphrased Buddhist saying – He who focuses on how much more he can have misses how good he has it.
  • Scritchin’ and yippin’!
  • I don’t know – something about your stance makes me want to spank you.
  • Wait, my left hand’s not giving you justice.
  • I’ve eaten things most people don’t consider food. Just sayin’.
  • I mean, you can’t not give a blow job.
  • Oh. My. God. He just constricted on me for the 100th time.
  • You know it’s a good party when you can’t find your shoes.
  • I never banana-ed the chocolate (fountain).
  • I’m like the golem of the chocolate fountain. My preciousssssss.
  • It’s all for me, merrrrowwww!
  • I will eat you, bitches!
  • Candy evokes midget, I’m sorry!
  • Who made this bread? Nobilis and Dee? I LOVE them!
  • …(drunken unintelligible muttering overheard)… but that Nobilis sure can make some pepperoni bread…
  • I thought it was okay when it was her hands, not his.

Better late than never? New Years Eve in July is cool, right?

Music No Whining Too Long For Twitter

Fave New Album Title

When Life Gives You Lemons, You Paint That Shit Gold by Atmosphere.

Naughty Bear (21 y.o. son) played a song or two from this album during our Philly trip, and I frakkin’ LOVE the album title. I don’t recall anything else about what the music was like or if I even liked it. Hell, I had to Google it to make sure I had it right.

I’m not saying I actually want to superficially improve something (painting) rather than attempting to truly improve something that I don’t like, for whatever reason. But I still love the title. It clearly and simple simply instructs you to take an action, rather than sitting around complaining and waiting for someone to fix it for you.

So, when life gives you lemons, you: mend it, replace it, get rid of it, break into the emergency funds, burn it, whatever — as appropriate, natch. But…

Manage that mischief!

Handle that shit!

Yeah, it’s definitely the commanding motivation to DO SOMETHING that I appreciate. Sometimes that will mean walking to the pharmacy for a pain pill prescription refill, allowing yourself to grieve something unpleasant to fight your way back to healthy mindset, taking a tiny space and making it work, getting on a plane, not getting on a plane– again, whatever.

And for <insert deity, deities, or complete lack of either)’s sake, COMMIT. Really really really COMMIT. Don’t waste anyone’s time by half-assing. FULL-ASS IT! Yes, you may still fail, but you failure shall be glorious and well-earned rather than something that just kinda happened to you.

So, um, yeah. That’s my fave new album title.

Too Long For Twitter

Definition I Didn’t Know: Mediatrix


My therapist suggested that I Google the term “Mediatrix,” after we had yet again discussed my exhausting and irrepressible compulsion to make sure all the emotional needs of the people I love are being met (A clue for Dear Readers as to one of the reasons I’m in therapy- I’m frakkin’ exhausted and overwhelmed.), easier before the Health Blahs (as I call the litany of diagnoses I’ve collected: Vestibular Migraines, TMJ (I think I cracked my recent crown thanks to jaw clenching, yay!) , RMSF and newly added Fibromyalgia). I tend to have near-complete disregard for what my needs are, both emotionally and physically.

At Therapist T-Pain’s mention of the word, I perked up and proclaimed the title “Mediatrix” as mine with the definition unknown, based on my lifelong love of all media and recent experience in the New Media frontier. Plus, it sounded geekily exotic!

Here’s the actual definition:


[mee-dee-ey-triks] (Note: Pronunciation focuses on the word ‘mediate’, not media as I initially thought.)

noun, plural me·di·a·tri·ces  [-uh-trahy-seez, -ey-tri-seez] Show IPA, me·di·a·trix·es.

a woman who mediates, especially between parties at variance.
Also, me·di·a·tress, me·di·a·trice  [mee-dee-ey-tris] Show IPA.

1425–75; late Middle English  < Late Latin mediātrīx,  feminine of mediātor mediator; see -trix

Usage note
See -ess, -trix. Unabridged
Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2012.
Cite This Source

I dunno if I think I am a mediatrix, but I guess it’s something to ponder. I have spent a lot of my time playing the damned devil’s advocate, after which my attempts at objective honesty to provide all possible options, usually gets the emotional crap beat out of me at some point in the future. Seems kind of like I have created a compulsion that puts me in the middle of all disagreements, which is pretty dumb for somebody that really just wants to embrace my loved ones, enjoy life and giggle as often as possible.

Nowadays, the medications I take seem to be doing their intended job in sometimes minimizing some side effects, but the full-time fuzzy brain make it harder for me to tell when My Beloveds need an extra little help or lift somehow. Even if I can pick out the shape of their need in my sometimes extremely foggy haze, I am at this point mostly useless to help in ways that Make A Difference, which is actually T-Pain’s goal, although not specifically why I take the medications I do.)

It’s still a particularly difficult with the things going on in loved one’s lives currently, as so many are raw and hurting in some way. Especially, as a bonus to anything the recipient feels, I find it cathartic for myself when I am able to do the little kindnesses. It alleviates my fear that I don’t contribute enough to the world to justify my place in it anymore, and results in feels shame and happiness at the same time. *sigh*

End result, I am taking on less stress as I am meant to, but I miss being there for my friends when they are in need. And then I feel guilty or shamed either way.

I frequently remind myself, now that I have self-banned myself from driving (medication side effects, primarily), that now I officially am The Passenger. The Passenger has input when allowed, but little control. It’s freeing and terrifying, all the same. The new mantra is shorter and reminds me that it’s not a choice, but simply how my life is right now and is a reminder  embrace the inherent freedom and let go of the guilt and shame of not helping others.

Edit – this (June 9) was the second session in 2 days. Now a bi-weekly patient, thanks to my progress! But things have been “exciting” and it’s dredged up some deep dark issues for me.

2nd Edit: I’m now a weekly patient again (June 20). *sigh* It was nice while it lasted, but I am in need of  extra time with all the stuff we have in the air, balancing expectations (ours and others) and maximizing fun time with the kids, while (reminded of need today) making sure I don’t overdo it. HAHAHA, I love that she *still* thinks I can stop myself. Ex: I worked myself so hard the last two weeks getting ready, that I fell asleep early and missed the end of LT’s first night here. Epic Mom Fail.

But tomorrow brings the first official sunburn of the season as we hope the weather lets us head to a local pool. Woohoo!