Family Too Long For Twitter

Today’s Good Thing – Closer Maternal Proximity

My 20 year old son, codename Naughty Bear, moved closer to me. He had been living with his dad’s parents about an hour away, and today moved in with my sister. I knew he was going to move there, but I thought he was waiting until the weekend. He’s now about 20 minutes away, and just dropped in with a friend of his I haven’t seen for over a year. Other than NB’s nephew, it’s one of only two friends of his that I genuinely like.

This will be a wonderful change for him, as he has felt very isolated from all of his friends while living out there. Add to that a crappy internet connection and lousy cell phone service and it’s surprising he lasted as long as he did.

For those wondering, he can’t live with us while attending college. He gets a sizable discount available only to dependents of staff members at a college that his grandfather works at. If he lives with either of his parents, he loses the discount. His grandparents have been exceeding generous to him, and for that I’m eternally grateful.

So, yeah. Pretty damned good thing that has me grinning from ear to ear on a really frustrating day.

What’s your good thing for today? Tell me in the comments!