Chooch Dizzy Health

EEG and Lyme Disease Test Results

I just got a call from the doctor, and the EEG results came back normal and the Lyme Disease test was negative. We immediately felt disappointed because we are so ready for a diagnosis. However, on second thought I think I’m happy that the results are what they are. Yes, I want a diagnosis. However, I do NOT want Lyme Disease, especially as late as treatment would have been after the bite. That is very terrifying stuff based on my research today. Also, I don’t know if the normal EEG rules out or confirms what the doctor’s think is wrong. I have to say that I don’t really want that either, though. Can’t it just be a brief weird illness that goes away? Does it have to be something wrong with my heart / brain? Is that too much to wish for? It certainly feels like it at this point, but I’ve been told that has been the case for two different people with the same symptoms I have.

I have about two weeks left on the heart monitor study, then I’ll meet with the doctors. Have I mentioned how impatient I am? No? Well, the phrase that best describes me is from the movie “Postcards from the Edge”, with Meryl Streep from years ago. In it, she says “Instant gratification takes *too* long”. That is me to a ‘T’.

Continuing to be grateful for my loving and supportive husband. He rocks my socks, y’all! You would NOT believe what he had to put up with yesterday morning as we tried to trigger the stutter and other severe symptoms.

Stay safe, and hug your loved ones tight!

Chooch Dizzy Health

Mom Always Said I Was Special…

… and now I have the gear to prove it!

Chooch and I got up bright and early this morning to get started on my 24 hour monitoring EEG. I have to wear the recording devices on my left hip, since the right is already taken up with the heart monitor recorder. When I’m having vertigo/migraine/nausea/whatever I have to hit a button on each. The EEG recorder marks when the symptom occurs and I keep a journal detailing what symptoms I was experiencing. The heart monitor recorder actually triggers a recording of my vitals for about 90 seconds after I hit the button.

The first time I had a dizzy spell, I froze and went for both buttons and was instantly reminded of the Old West, when a gunfighter would go for both holsters in a gunfight. Hence, the silly pose with my strangely intense expression.

If only I had the necessary pieces (and skill), I think I could fashion this into and interesting photo. If the sensors were sticking straight out, and the wires were copper… If I had some copper foil to wrap the ‘umbilical’ wrapped jumble of wires that comes out from the back of my head, down my shirt and connects to the device… Ah, well. The lost theatrical opportunity is just one more regret in all of this.

Luckily, I’ve had several dizzy spells today. They have been minor and brief, but it’s all data for the diagnosis so I’m not complaining! And in case you are wondering, yes. It’s extremely itchy where each electrode is ‘cemented’ to my scalp. I’m sure I’ll be in heaven once I get it taken off and wash all the gritty cement off my head. I’m not complaining, mind you! I know how lucky I am to have good insurance, a thoroughly intrigued set of doctors, a patient boss and lovingly supportive husband.